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Cherry Valencia's song Ang Dinarasal


"Brilliantly written, astoundingly performed and delivered" - Simply C PR & Events



31 JANUARY 2025 (LONDON, UK) Cherry Valencia launched her latest single "Ang Dinarasal", out on January 31, via Side Projects Productions.


Stream/Download HERE 


The release of "Ang Dinarasal" tread on the heels of recent track "Without You" and was taken from the various artists album Side Projects - Basta!


The song signifies searching light in a bewildering dark world and only guidance and safety from the higher being is capable of granting it. "Pang Regine yung taas ng kanta!", quipped by arranger Mon Espia - the man behind "Smile in Your Heart" by Ariel Rivera. "Ang Dinarasal" was accompanied by seasoned musicians including drummer Jun Austria of The 70's Superband and was written and composed by Port Mallillin.


It is an extraordinary feat from performing at a cruise ship to becoming the most recognisable face in the Filipino community in the UK. "It is important to be an artist inside first, think like an artist and work hard to fulfil your passion", explains Cherry. 


Looking forward to her upcoming concerts with Rech Cordez and Elisa this Spring, Cherry is resolute on proving why she is the "Dominant Female Artist" recipient at the last Side Projects Music Awards. Cherry adds, "I want to continue collaborating with global artists and perform in large venues".


Follow Cherry HERE

Mon Espia and Port Mallillin
Cherry Valencia with Port Mallillin
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